As the the reports, it has been found that, in India, 163 million people do not have access to safe water and 210 million lack access to improved sanitation as of 2017. According to the NITI Aayog in 2019, 75 percent of households do not have drinking water on premise and about 84 percent of rural households do not even have piped water access.

But to the extent, the problem is been put in control, and the water supply and sanitation in India has improved greatly from 1980 to present. However, many people lack access to clean water, toilets, and sewage infrastructure. Various government programs at national, state, and community level have brought rapid improvements in sanitation and the drinking water supply.

As we said earlier that, health and hygiene has been a very crucial thing for our livelihood. Hence, we aim in providing good sanitation facilities to those areas, where people are devoid of proper sanitation.