We all understand that how much education is important for a better livelihood. Good education brings good job, and a good job brings proper well being. But what if, someone denies for giving a proper education, the future seems to be a crumple of paper. According to the research, deny of education leads to poverty, poverty leads to tension, and results in depression. This depression seems to be a very simple term, but it has a great impact among all the age groups.

So, what is important is education, so we aim in providing education to those who are devoid of education, that is the people, because it is the right of every individual to get educated, because it is a fundamental right.

We often see, that women’s and girls are denied of education, this thinking has striked hard to the Indian society, because education doesn’t see any gender discrimination, race, religion or any other bases, it only sees the requirement, which a person needs. Sometimes due to poverty, children’s get dropped off from the schools and are made to work for the family.

So to remove this problems, our One India Foundation is working among all the spheres, to put there best foot forward, for the well being of the country.