Vission and Mission

One of most gravest problem of the society, which many people overcome is, lack of educational knowledge. In cities, this problems are less, but not zero, in rural areas, this issues are common. India is a country with a population density of more than one billion people, and it has been seen that, just one-third of them can read. Rapidly growing size of population, shortage of teachers, books, and basic facilities, and insufficient public funds to cover education costs are some of the nation’s toughest challenges. This is where the future of the nation are facing the basic challenges. According to a study, more than 30% of educational funds are allocated towards higher education, leaving the primary education in India in sway. So our aim is to educate every sphere of of our society who are facing such challenges of basic necessities like education. Education is the only step which can bring upliftment, excellence professionalism and the thought of doing big. Health and hygiene is also a very big issue in our country, specially in this era of covid 19, where people lay stress on good food and immunity, there are still some masses who face shortages of food. A three time meal is often seems to be tough to arrange, among a mass of people. We aim at providing a better life, specially for the minorities, such as women, children and those deprived communities.

The only vision of Foundation is “transformation” of the lives of women, children, tribal, vulnerable & deprived communities and minorities in particular and of the society at large in general at the local and national levels with no discrimination creed, colour, gender & language.

The Foundation will bring subsequent code of values:

  • Excellence
  • Integrity
  • Participatory
  • Professionalism
  • Public-spirited
  • Welfare-centric

The only vision of Foundation is “transformation” of the lives of women, children, tribal, vulnerable & deprived communities and minorities in particular and of the society at large in general at the local and national levels with no discrimination creed, colour, gender & language.

AIMS & OBJECTIVES: Following are the major and foremost objectives of the Foundation: The only vision of Foundation is “transformation” of the lives of women, children, tribal, vulnerable & deprived communities and minorities in particular and of the society at large in general at the local and national levels with no discrimination creed, colour, gender & language.

  • The Foundation will impart formal & non-formal education, vocational & skill-up education, job-linked trainings, distance education, literacy & extension education to the rural and urban deprived communities with emphasis on girls’ education.
  • We will facilitate health care & wellness services to the disadvantaged groups and rural community with special care to elderly, children & maternal health.
  • Make effort towards all issues related to health & medical care to ensue health for all. Develop & control hospitals other health service facilities & veterinary hospitals.
  • Increase awareness on the issues related to environment, health, water & sanitation and other socio-economic concerns amongst children/students and public at large through organising outreach programs like campaigns, rallies, seminars & conferences etc.
  • Prepare & publish resource materials and develop & implement projects on social welfare, education, health & another more subjects.
  • Mobilize effort for social justice, equality & empowerment of handicapped, women, child, youth, farmers, tribal and minorities. Develop & administer community infrastructure etc.
  • Encourage inclusive involvement of women, SC/STs & minority communities in decision-making, policy formulation, advocacy & leadership in local self-governance and politics to get their constitutional & judicious rights.
  • Initiate steps for poverty alleviation, agricultural & rural development, green organic farming, rural employment creation, SHG & microfinance. Support agri-business & entrepreneurship, MSMEs, khadi, village, cottage & processing industries to support integrated community development.
  • Support strengthening of Panchayati Raj and Gram Sabhas, primary education system, community health services towards advancement of village & urban communities.
  • Campaign for transparent & participatory model of governance, police, electoral, political & administrative reforms, human rights, consumer rights, communal harmony, peace & unity in the society. Fight for corruption free nation.
  • Carry out plantation & greening actions to assure environmental conservation and management of natural resources.
  • Promote energy conservation and take steps for renewable & green energy generation through solar, bio-energy, hydro etc.
  • Support rainwater harvesting & watershed development, conserve water reservoirs. Take steps for protection & transformation of Indian rivers & tributaries and work for hygiene, sanitation & solid waste management.
  • Undertake R&D in various areas for sustainable development of our Nation.
  • Initiate efforts for eradication of social evils like child labour, human trafficking, sexual abuse of children & women, female foeticide, alcoholism, drug addiction etc.
  • Preserve & restore archaeological, architectural and cultural heritage/ monuments of our country.
  • Write & publish magazines, pamphlets, brochures, bulletins, books, reading materials.
  • Produce & display documentaries, films on various socio-economic, environmental, educational issues.
  • Promote conventional & creative traditions, arts & culture, paintings, music, entertainment, recreation, theatre and sports of all the reasons of the country irrespective of realm & religion.
  • Create & manage public libraries, student hostels, shelter homes, orphanages, rehabilitation centres, handicapped centres, old age homes to facilitate services to the disadvantaged people of the society irrespective of caste, creed, colour, sex or race.
  • Provide scholarships, stipends, awards, honour, incentives & assistance either in cash or kind to poor / needy students and other individuals in particular and to institutions/organisations for their commendable attempt & contribution towards humanity & sustainability.
  • Provide scholarships, stipends, awards, honour, incentives & assistance either in cash or kind to poor / needy students and other individuals in particular and to institutions/organisations for their commendable attempt & contribution towards humanity & sustainability.
  • Carryout training & consultancy services, undertake study & research on any social development issues or towards achieving all the objectives of the foundation independently or with partnerships or in co-operation with the government organisations, bilateral and multilateral agencies or other institutions.
  • Establish and promote a system of Zakat for the advancement and service of the humanity. Establish a centre of interfaith dialogue to create mutual understanding and respect, harmony and peace among the followers of different major faiths nationally and internationally.
  • Publish newspapers, newsletters, magazines, periodicals and run news & entertainment channels, other broadcasting & media channels and radio stations.
  • Form partnerships & collaborations at the local, state, national & global levels with the public representatives, policy makers, social workers, corporate, R&D organizations, govt. agencies, private organizations, Corporates & NGOs to achieve objectives of the foundation.